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Network.Instantiate & Destroy buffered RPC problem

Can somebody verify that Network.RemoveRPCs(viewId) will only work if the caller is also the owner of the networkViewId ? If so, it answers my question & provides me a path forward. A sandbox project which demonstrates this is at [this link][1] Original post below ---------------- This is an old problem discussed in many places, but none of the solutions fixes it in my case. **Problem:** I have a game which creates some temporary objects (lasers). When the objects expire they should be gone for good, however any client which joins after they expire, but before the player which created them leaves, gets the (already destroyed) objects sent to them by the server. I've already been down a couple of trails in trying to fix this (it's well documented & discussed), currently I use the solution referenced at [this location][2] to remove the buffered RPC instantiate events from the server using if (Network.isServer) { Network.RemoveRPCs (viewID); } But still when a new client joins the destroyed objects are sent to it. I've built a little sandbox to demonstrate the problem; [Source Only][3] or [Source + win32 exe][4] - Start the server - Start the client (Client 1) - Start a second instance of the client (Client 2) - In Client 1 press the fire button 3 times at 1 second intervals - Wait 5 seconds for the spheres to expire - Keep the Server and Client 1 running, but close down Client 2 - Start up Client 2 again, when it re-joins it receives the 3 spheres Fairly obviously the 3 spheres are removed by the server when I call Network.RemoveRPCs(Player) Network.DestroyPlayerObjects(Player) But not when the server executes Network.RemoveRPCs(viewId) which is what I need. The behavior I see is almost as if the Network.RemoveRPCs(viewId); call is broken (which it is documented as having been for some time, but reportedly fixed from Unity 4.3-ish). I am using Unity 4.5.4p3. Here's the content of my projectile script : public class Projectile : MonoBehaviour { public float Lifetime = 5; private float DestroyTime = 0.0f; // Use this for initialization void Start () { // calculate the time we must destroy the projectile DestroyTime = Time.time + (float)Lifetime; } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { // if we've exceeded the destroy time and we explode on expiry =, and we have a prefab if (Time.time > DestroyTime) { DestroyProjectile(); } } void DestroyProjectile() { if (networkView.isMine) { gameObject.GetComponent().DestroyNO(); } } } and the NetworkObject destroyer code : public class NetworkObject : MonoBehaviour { public void DestroyNO() { Debug.Log("Inside NetworkObject::DestroyNO"); RemoveBufferedInstantiate (this.networkView.viewID); Network.Destroy (this.gameObject); } [RPC] public void RemoveBufferedInstantiate(NetworkViewID viewID) { Debug.Log("Inside RPC NetworkObject::RemoveBufferedInstantiate(" + viewID + ")"); if (Network.isServer) { Debug.Log("Server calling Network.RemoveRPCs (" + viewID + ")"); Network.RemoveRPCs (viewID); } else { Debug.Log("Client sending RPC call for viewID " + viewID); networkView.RPC ("RemoveBufferedInstantiate", RPCMode.Server, viewID); } } } And finally how I instantiate my temporary objects : void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 80, 20), "Fire")) { GameObject Sphere = Network.Instantiate(PrefabToFire, new Vector3(0, 0, 2), Quaternion.identity, 0) as GameObject; Sphere.transform.rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.forward * 100); } } Any help would be greatly appreciated. [1]: http://www.planetepoch.com/johnw/epoch3d/NetTest2_0.zip [2]: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/628787/properbest-way-to-instantiate-and-destroy-with-uni.html [3]: http://www.planetepoch.com/johnw/epoch3d/NetTest.zip [4]: http://www.planetepoch.com/johnw/epoch3d/NetTestWithExes.zip

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